What makes Spiderman the most popular superhero costume in the world?

Spiderman, Spiderman! Does whatever a spider can… So that’ll be eating flies and spinning silk webs out of his bum then? As far as superheroes go, the concept of a young Peter Parker getting chomped by a radioactive spider and developing some distinctly odd superpowers as a result is pure 1950s and ‘60s (when both America and the UK were obsessed with all things glow-y and radioactive). But the appeal has been enduring, and today Spiderman morphsuits are one of the most popular superhero costumes in the world. Why? Because, come on – who wouldn’t want to swing through the city, shooting webs from their wrists and saving the girl? (notice that the silk-producing orifice conveniently moved to a more ‘acceptable’ part of the body!).

Upside down spiderman

Let’s be honest too – a well cut Spiderman costume for an adult also has that romantic ‘air of mystery’ about it. You’re morphed into a lithe, athletic superhero with special powers, a dual personality (think Dark Spiderman as well as the traditional red and blue Spiderman morphsuit if you fancy the whole ‘bad boy’ appeal) and that sensitive side that women love.

How to pull off the Spiderman look

Get a suit that fits properly:

Firstly, if you’re going to go full Spiderman then get a Spiderman costume replica that actually fits. A cheap one will look exactly that – cheap! A proper Spiderman morphsuit will fit snugly. Remember, you want to end up looking like a superhero, not a Fathers For Justice protestor.

Hit the gym:

If you’re planning to be convincing as Spiderman then you may have to hit the gym for a few days beforehand!  If you freeze-frame ‘The Amazing Spiderman’ you’ll see that he has a six-pack, not a Party Seven. But don’t worry too much if you’re built more for comfort than speed – the whole point is to have fun, not compare abs!

Don’t forget the mask:

Superheroes disguise their identity to everyone except their loved ones. So make sure your Spiderman morphsuit is an authentic all-in-one. Don’t ruin the effect by adding an unnecessary mask that will make you look more like a South American wrestler rather than a dashing superhero.

Remember the practicalities:

How can we put this delicately? Well, although you may look supercool as a superhero, going to the loo in a morphsuit can be ‘interesting’. It’s probably best to head for the stall so that ‘Spidey’ can have a bit of privacy, and perhaps stick to tequila shots, rather than pints of beer!

spiderman top

Spiderman has to be one of the world’s most popular superheroes, not because he’s super-strong or even that he can leap tall buildings, but because he’s an ‘Everyman’ character who gets the girl and saves the world. And let’s be honest – who doesn’t want to be a little bit of a superhero now and then? Just be careful of any spiders that glow in the dark and bite…


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